Houthis vow more "painful" strikes on Saudi Arabia
الإثنين 24 يونيو-حزيران 2019 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (148)

Yemen's Houthi military spokesman on Sunday vowed more "painful" strikes against Saudi Arabia hours after the group claimed responsibility of multiple drone strikes on two Saudi airports.

"We reaffirm that our future strikes against Saudi Arabia will be more painful if the kingdom continues its escalation and aggression war on Yemen," Yahya Sarea, the spokesman, was quoted by the group's al-Masirah television as saying.

"Our attacks on Saudi airports of Abha and Jizan came in response to the aggressor (Saudi-led coalition forces) crimes," he said.

Earlier in the day, the Houthis claimed responsibility for multiple bomb-laden drone attacks on the two Saudi regional airports, saying that they targeted hangars of the aircrafts and other military facilities in both airports.

Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television reported that a Syrian citizen was killed in the Houthi drone attack on the parking yard of Abha airport, while at least eight others, including Saudi residents, were wounded.

The Saudi television made no mention to the Houthi attack on Jizan airport.

Abha airport is located in Asir province, while Jizan airport is located in the neighbouring province of Jizan.

Last week, 26 civilians were injured in a projectile attack that targeted Saudi Arabia's Abha International Airport.

Saudi Arabia has been leading a coalition to fight in Yemen for more than four years in support of the exiled Yemeni government against the Iran-allied Houthis.


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