Saudi, UAE, UK and US condemn Iran's role in Yemen
الإثنين 24 يونيو-حزيران 2019 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (143)

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the UK and the US have come together to voice their concerns over Iran’s role in sowing discord in Yemen and the Middle East.

The members said that the recent escalation in Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia, using Iranian-made missiles and drones, was of great concern.

Iran has been denying providing military support to the Houthis.

They condemned the Houthi attack on the civilian airport in Abha on June 12, in which 26 civilians were wounded.

The four countries called for an immediate end to attacks by the Houthis and noted that the World Food Programme has been forced to suspend food deliveries to Sanaa.

 “We call on the Houthis to immediately end all restrictions on aid agencies to ensure the delivery of life-saving assistance to those Yemenis most in need,” the statement said.

“We reiterate our commitment to the Yemeni peace process and relevant Security Council resolutions. We express our full support for the UN special envoy, Martin Griffiths.”

The countries called on the Houthis to engage constructively with Mr Griffiths on the implementation of the agreements reached in Stockholm.

The Houthis should enable full and unhindered access for the UN, the four countries said.

“We call on the Houthis to withdraw fully from the ports of Hodeidah, Ras Isa and Saleef," the four nations said.


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