Houthis say they keep developing new defence systems
الإثنين 09 ديسمبر-كانون الأول 2019 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (228)

The Ministry of Defence in the Houthi-aligned National Salvation Government has announced that it is working on new technology for its air defence system in order to neutralise future threats from Saudi-led coalition aircraft.

According to an interview with Al-Masirah newspaper published yesterday, Minister of Defence Major General Mohammed Al-Atefi said forces were preparing to launch a “strategic offensive that will cripple the Saudi-led aggression coalition capabilities.”

They are also issuing warnings to coalition partner UAE and Israel who it claims “is still present from the first day of the aggression against our country” emphasising that “we have a databank of naval and ground military targets of the Zionist enemy, and we will not hesitate to strike them if the leadership decides to.”

Al-Atefi noted that their armed forces have new and developed armament capabilities pointing out that the weapon that had shot down a number of the coalition aircraft will be announced soon, stressing that the weapon has capabilities to neutralise the hostile air force.

Yesterday the Houthi-affiliated news site Uprising Today reported that the fourth drone belonging to the Saudis had been downed in a week, reporting that it was shot down over Saudi’s border region of Jizan.

In a move interpreted as a reluctant acceptance by Riyadh that the Houthi movement are a legitimate part of a post-war Yemen, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said on Friday that “all Yemenis, including the Houthis, have a role in the future of Yemen.”


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