STC complains to UN over Yemen government’s failure to implement Riyadh Agreement
الأربعاء 22 يناير-كانون الثاني 2020 الساعة 10 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (121)

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have reportedly complained to the UN envoy over the internationally-recognised Yemeni government’s failure to adhere to the so-called Riyadh Agreement.

According to the Yemen Press Agency, Nasser Al-Khabji, head of the STC’s joint committee for monitoring the power-sharing agreement, has denied accusations by the government of exiled Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi that they have fallen short in fulfilling their own obligations to the Saudi-backed accord.

“The council has carried out its withdrawals, the delivery of heavy weapons, the release of prisoners and the security of the government in Aden,” Al-Khabji said during a meeting with UN envoy Martin Griffiths.

Al-Khabji has accused the Hadi government of stalling in implementing STC demands, including withdrawal from Abyan and Shabwah provinces and agreeing on the appointment of the governor and director of Aden security. Last week it was reported that both the STC and troops loyal to Hadi had started to withdraw from a key southern city, whilst the official website of the STC mentioned that its secretary-general met with an advisor to Griffiths to discuss issues relating to implementing the agreement.

There had been conflicting reports that the STC had pulled out of the Riyadh Agreement, especially after the failure in meeting key deadlines.

The contested port city of Aden has witnessed frequent violent clashes between militia aligned with Hadi, which is backed by Saudi Arabia, and the UAE-trained forces affiliated with the STC.


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