Houthis make ‘biggest gains’ against Saudi-backed Yemen government forces
الإثنين 27 يناير-كانون الثاني 2020 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (132)

The Houthi forces have made significant gains against the Saudi-backec Yemen government forces.

Progress has been made within the triangle of the Sanaa, Marib and Jawf governorates.

Following heavy fighting on Friday, Houthi forces seized the Nehm district, which lies east of the capital Sanaa after fighters supported by the Saudi coalition made a “tactical withdrawal” according to Hadi’s Defence Minister General Mohammed Ali Al-Maqdishi.

International Crisis Group described the developments as the Houthis “making the biggest gains on the battlefield”. Footage online purports to show abandoned and damaged vehicles belonging to the retreating forces.

Yesterday, Houthi forces announced the capture of the strategic road linking Marib with the border province of Al-Jawf, which according to Al-Masdar had previously been under the control of the Hadi loyalists for the entire duration of the war. In doing so, it has interrupted supply lines of Hadi’s forces with those of the Islah Party stronghold of Marib, whose mercenary fighters form a bulk of Hadi’s fighters.


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