Yemen takes measures to confront possible coronavirus repercussions
الأربعاء 01 إبريل-نيسان 2020 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (173)

The internationally recognized government has taken several economic measures to counter the repercussions of the new coronavirus outbreak, official Yemeni sources said.

Among these measures was the extension of the closure of land, air and sea ports, they said.

Shipments of medicines and food, however, are still being allowed into the country.

Sources at the Supreme Economic Council said that the body, during its extraordinary session headed by Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed on Tuesday, discussed economic and financial developments amid current challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic.

The Council, according to the Saba News Agency, discussed possible coronavirus repercussions on the national economy. It also tackled mechanisms that could alleviate the effect of any economic downfall on citizens.

The Council reviewed the pricing and stocks of basic food staples.

It, according to official sources, directed the Yemeni Ministry of Industry and Trade to swiftly conclude the food inventory survey and identify any existing gap.

The Council also pointed to the private sector as a primary partner for the government in facing the global economic consequences caused by the coronavirus and its potential impacts on the local economy.

Saeed reaffirmed that his government will not fail in supporting the private sector as an effective partner in securing the needs of citizens.

Saeed also chaired a meeting for Yemen’s Supreme National Emergency Committee, which approved a string of precautionary measures for containing the coronavirus. The measures included extending the closure of land, sea and air ports for a period of two weeks starting April 1.

The Committee was briefed by Deputy Prime Minister Salem al-Khanshabi and Health Minister Nasser Baoum on measures undertaken by the government to protect Yemenis from the new coronavirus.

 - Asharq Al-Awsat

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