Israel’s Mossad chief required to take coronavirus isolation
الخميس 02 إبريل-نيسان 2020 الساعة 02 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (105)

Yossi Mohen, the chief of Israel’s national security apparatus Mossad, has been required to go into isolation following health minister Yaakov Litzman’s diagnosis of the coronavirus.

Various newspapers have reported that Cohen was tasked to lead, together with the intelligence agency he is heading, an unprecedented covert effort to bring to Israel ventilators, medical equipment and more in the fight against the coronavirus.

Meir Ben Shabbat, the head of the National Security Council, will also be required to enter isolation in accordance with Israeli health ministry guidelines. Prime Minister Benjamin had previously gone into self-quarantine after a top aide tested positive for the virus, but has so far tested negative.

Israel’s government has tightened restrictions on movement, banning public gatherings, including for prayer, and limiting outings to two people from the same household to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Israel has so far reported 6,211 coronavirus cases; 31 people have died, 107 are in serious condition and 83 are on life support.

-Arab News

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