UN suspends 70 percent of reproductive programs in Yemen
السبت 12 سبتمبر-أيلول 2020 الساعة 02 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (196)

The United Nations on Thursday announced suspension of 70 percent of reproductive health programs in Yemen as of this September due to insufficient funding.

Starting from September, 70 percent of reproductive lifesaving programs were suspended in Yemen due to lack of funding, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) tweeted.

The Sana'a-based al-Sabeen Hospital for Maternity and Childhood is one of the health facilities that still receive support from UNFPA to provide lifesaving services for mothers and new-borns, according to the UN agency.

On Thursday, al-Sabeen Hospital for Maternity and Childhood said the UNFPA has withdrawn its support for medicines, operational expenses and incentives to maternity staff.

UN agencies have complained for several months about severe shortage of funding and called on donors to urgently intervene in order to aid millions of people.

Yemen has been ravaged by an armed strife since 2014 when the Houthis took over Sanaa in September, 2014.

Yemen has the world's worst humanitarian crisis, with most of the population in need for a type of humanitarian aid and immediate protection, including 14 million people risking famine and some 1.8 million children suffering malnutrition, according to the UN.

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