Yemen government urges UN to halt Houthi escalation in Marib
الإثنين 14 سبتمبر-أيلول 2020 الساعة 11 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (221)

The United Nations must assert pressure on Yemen’s Houthis to stop their offensive on Marib as millions of lives are at risk, the government said on Monday.

The Houthis have been pushing towards the city on multiple fronts, seeking to take the last government-controlled major city in the north.

“Yemen’s Foreign Minister, Mohammed Al Hadrami, stressed the need for the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities and condemn the ongoing escalation and Houthi violations in Marib governorate, which is hosting more than 3 million civilians,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

“This indicates that the Hodeida ceasefire, brokered by the UN in Stockholm in 2018, has become useless and the Houthis exploitation is unacceptable and cannot continue,” said the statement.

The comments came as Mr Al Hadrami met with the UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, in Saudi Arabia.

Yemen's UN-recognized government have lived in exile in Riyadh since 2015 when the Houthis took over the majority of Yemen’s provinces.

Mr Griffiths concluded his round of talks with Yemeni and Saudi officials on Sunday night where he discussed the “dire humanitarian consequences of the military escalation in and around Marib,” said a statement.

“Marib continues to be a safe haven for 100s of thousands of internally displaced Yemenis. Mr Griffiths renewed his emphasis that the attack on Marib must immediately cease,” said the statement by his office.

Houthis say they want to liberate Marib from mercenaries and terrorists.

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