Iran says outcome of IAEA chief visit ‘significant achievement’
الإثنين 22 فبراير-شباط 2021 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (293)

Iran says outcome of IAEA chief visit ‘significant achievement’

Iran’s foreign ministry said Monday a visit by the UN nuclear watchdog chief resulted in a “significant achievement,” a day before a law limiting inspections comes into force.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi’s meetings “resulted in a very significant diplomatic achievement and a very significant technical achievement”, foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters.

Grossi said Sunday he had negotiated a “temporary solution” after two days of talks with Iranian officials to allow the agency to continue its inspections work in the country and allow breathing space for diplomatic negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue.

However, he admitted that even under the new three-month arrangement, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would not have the same level of access once a law comes into force on Tuesday limiting some inspections.

Grossi’s visit to Iran came amid stepped-up efforts between US President Joe Biden’s administration, European powers and Iran to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal that has been on the brink of collapse since Donald Trump withdrew from it and went on to impose sanctions on Iran.

Iran’s conservative-dominated parliament passed the law in December demanding the country suspend some inspections if the US failed to lift sanctions by this Sunday.


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