Ethiopia tells Sudan to pull back from borders before talks
الثلاثاء 23 فبراير-شباط 2021 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
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Ethiopia tells Sudan to pull back from borders before talks | The nation press

Ethiopia called on Sudan to pull back its army troops on Tuesday from the borders before any dialogue could begin amid heightened tensions between the two countries.

The ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson, Dina Mufti, said in his weekly press conference that Ethiopia does not wish to enter into a conflict with Sudan.

“Our position on the border crisis with Sudan is clear and has not changed,” Mufti said in his press conference as sited by Al Arabiya, stating that Sudanese army must return to its former position prior to November 2020 to begin dialogue.

The spokesperson reiterated accusations of “a third party” involvement the crisis.

“Sudan’s exploitation of Ethiopia's preoccupation with the law enforcement process in Tigray, and its violation of our borders, confirms the involvement of a third party pushing the military component in Sudan to enter into conflict with Ethiopia to implement its own agenda,” he said.

An armed conflict erupted on Nov. 4, 2020 in the Tigray region of Ethiopia between the Tigray Regional Government and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces.

-Arab News

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