Saudi Arabia signs $40 mln WFP agreement to prevent famine and malnutrition in Yemen
الثلاثاء 23 فبراير-شباط 2021 الساعة 10 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (373)

 Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) signed a $40 million agreement with the World Food program (WFP) to prevent famine and malnutrition in Yemen, according to a statement released by the center.

UN agencies reported last week that about 400,000 children under the age of five are in danger of dying of acute malnutrition in war-torn and impoverished Yemen.

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The signed agreement aims to improve food security for the most affected families in some areas of Yemen.

“This agreement will benefit 2,333,333 individuals at a cost of USD 40,000,000 to prevent famine and malnutrition. The agreement aims to meet the priorities of food security and nutritional needs in accordance with the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Report (IPC) for the food insecurity analysis in Yemen,” the statement added.

The center added that project will be completed within six months.

Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Supervisor General of KSrelief, stressed that Saudi Arabia has reached a pioneering role in global relief and humanitarian work.

“Throughout its history, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has extended the hand of support to brotherly and friendly countries based on its belief in the importance of humanitarian work,” Al Rabeeah added.

The civil war between the Yemeni government and Houthis broke out in 2015, leading to a disastrous humanitarian situation in the country as peace talks have repeatedly reached a deadlock. 


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