Anti-government rioters attack public facilities in Yemen's Mukalla
الإثنين 13 سبتمبر-أيلول 2021 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (214)

اخبار وتقارير - انضمام طلاب جامعة حضرموت للاحتجاجات الشعبية المنددة بالفساد

 Mukalla city of Hadramout province was rocked with unrest after disgruntled residents took part in anti-government protests against the Saudi-backed government of Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.

Protesters on Sunday evening were accused of causing fires in the capital city of Hadramout province after they denounced the deterioration of public services and high prices. These events happened after the Yemeni riyal collapsed against the US dollar.

Mukalla, as with many other parts of Yemen, experienced long bouts of power cuts while temperatures began to rise in the summer months.

Protesters said vulnerable Yemenis were put at risk, with the elderly and sick falling ill due to the heat, with ACs and fans put out of action due to the power cuts.

Local residents told the media that the protests began in the Al-Salam neighbourhood, old Mukalla, before spreading to the Al-Dis and Al-Mina areas.

Many commercial warehouses closed their doors on Sunday, out of fear of looting, especially after a number of government headquarters and institutions were set alight.

Al-Mina Secondary School in Mukalla was also set ablaze. A local source said the fire that broke out in the school canteen was quickly dealt with without damage to the rest of the facilities.


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  • أي تعليق يتجاوز 800 حرف سوف لن يتم إعتماده
  • يجب أن تكتب تعليقك خلال أقل من 60 دقيقة من الآن، مالم فلن يتم إعتماده.
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