Houthis say gas ship held by Saudi-led coalition released
الأحد 08 مايو 2022 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (193)

Yemen’s Houthis said Sunday a gas ship held by the Saudi-led coalition was released.

Houthis say the vessel carrying 8,259 metric tons of gas was seized by Saudi-led coalition on April 27.

“The ship is expected to arrive at al-Hudaydah port within hours,” Ali Measar, a spokesman for the Houthi-run gas company in Sanaa, said in a statement cited by the local Saba news agency.

Last week, Houthis warned that the seizure of the gas ship will cause a gas crisis in Houthi-held areas.

Northern Yemen suffers regular fuel shortages as the Saudi-led coalition blocks the entry of gas and oil vessels into al-Hudaydah port.

Last month, Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition agreed a UN-brokered two-month truce under which all offensive military operations were halted.

Under the terms of the truce, 18 fuel ships will be allowed to dock in al-Hudaydah port.

Yemen has been engulfed by violence and instability since 2014 when Iranian-aligned Houthis captured much of the country, including the capital Sanaa.

The Saudi-led coalition entered the war in early 2015 to restore the Yemeni government to power.


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