Barca not ready to be a pawn over Catalonia struggle
الأحد 22 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2017 الساعة 04 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (1566)

Barcelona- Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu insisted on Saturday that the Catalan giants cannot be used by either side in the political battle over Catalonia’s drive to gain independence from Spain.

A powerful symbol of Catalonia across the world, Barca have been caught in the political crossfire in the weeks following an independence referendum, deemed illegal by Madrid, was marred by violence.

 “We are not an instrument to be manipulated for political interests, whatever they may be,” Bartomeu told club members at Barca’s annual general meeting. “Nobody can appropriate our badge or flag.”

Barca have backed Catalonia’s right to self-determination, but refused to position themselves on either side of the independence debate.

Bartomeu took an unpopular decision to play Barca’s match against Las Palmas behind closed doors on October 1 as the referendum took place after La Liga refused to postpone the match.

He described that decision as “one of the hardest” he has made in his three years as president, but claimed Barca were not losing touch with their core Catalan fanbase.

“No one can doubt Barca’s commitment to the Catalan community. We defend the principles of democracy, the right to decide and free expression.”

And Bartomeu condemned the imprisonment of two pro-independence civil society leaders Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart on charges of sedition.

“It is unacceptable that in this century there are people in prison for their political ideas.”


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