Sheikh Saleh bin Shajae calls on all Yemenis to partake in peacemaking in Yemen
السبت 09 فبراير-شباط 2019 الساعة 08 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (724)

Berlin, February 7- Sheikh Saleh Mohammed bin Shajae, the head of the National Coalition for Peacemaking in Yemen, expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the political, social and national figures who have welcomed the outcome and upheld the communique of the Yemeni-European Peace Conference held in Berlin on January 29. 

Shajae also expressed his deep appreciation for all Yemeni, regional and European efforts that contributed to the success of the conference which aimed at an immediate end to the war in Yemen and ending the sufferings of Yemenis after four years of fighting that has sparked widespread destruction and the worst humanitarian tragedy in the world.

He emphasized the importance of national collective efforts and uniting sincere and genuine intentions to get Yemen out of its current predicament before it is too late.

Shajae said that the patriotic effort must be free of personal calculations, grudge and past revenges while Yemen and Yemenis should be above all considerations.

He called on all Yemenis to take serious action to make peace in their country and to find common ground that will pave the way for an inclusive dialogue under the auspices of Yemen's wise and learned figures as well as leading tribes that are capable of resolving the crisis and ending the conflict based on the original noble traditions and norms which only Yemenis know and use. Shajae said this will be sufficient to make Yemenis live again in safety and peace in a country that protects the blood of its people and guards their properties and rights.

Bin Shaja urged the people of Yemen to engage in broad participation to establish peace by promoting the language of dialogue and coexistence and overcome all the remnants of war.

He said, "You[Yemenis] are the people of wisdom and faith who are able to save Yemen and get it out of war rubble and destruction based on an authentic Yemeni vision. Do not rely on the parties to the conflict to end the war. They cannot alone end the ongoing quagmire in Yemen and they cannot get themselves out of this quagmire unless there is popular cooperation and broad community participation to make peace in Yemen. Do not wait for solutions to come from abroad unless you lead the initiative from inside to build peace with serious and real dialogue on the basis of the national interest and comprehensive inclusive reconciliation.

Shajae warned against listening to the warmonger and crisis makers who invest in this conflict and capitalize on the resources of the people. He also warned against the media outlets that promote the conflict and contribute to keep the flames of war and fighting ablaze.

Shajae said, "Yemen is collapsing and fragmenting. Insecurity prevails in various provinces that undergo the absence of the rule of law that makes everyone equal. It is regrettable to see among the Yemenis who support the destruction of Yemen, its infrastructure, economy and institutions or justify the killing of innocents, and seek to keep the war ongoing.

Finally, Shajae invited the people of Yemen and all its components, sects and members to evoke the Yemeni wisdom and save the country from its abysmal fate after the people and the nation have reached the stage of total collapse and after the displacement of millions of Yemeni people who are living on charity and foreign in spite of the fact that Yemen is a great nation that has deep roots in history and its people deserve to live with dignity and supremacy.

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