Humanitarian aid to Aden, Yemen continues despite increased violence: UN
الأربعاء 14 أغسطس-آب 2019 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (139)

Despite recent stepped-up violence in Aden, the United Nations "has remained focused on staying and delivering essential life-saving programs," a UN spokesman said on Tuesday.

Aden port, which is one of the main gateways for commercial and humanitarian goods to Yemen, remains operational, Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said. The airport has also re-opened, and roads in Aden are mostly open.

"Since the escalation of violence in Aden on Aug. 7, the United Nations has remained focused on staying and delivering essential life-saving programs there and in neighboring governorates," Dujarric said. The UN calls on all parties to maintain the ceasefire prevailing in Aden and to engage in dialogue to resolve differences.

The southern city is the seat of the internationally-recognized government of the exiled president, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Humanitarian agencies are responding to the impact of the recent violence in Aden, the spokesman said. Agencies are visiting health centers to assess needs, as well as visiting neighborhoods to identify risks of unexploded ordnance.

"Agencies also have 2,000 rapid response kits on standby; these kits provide basic food and hygiene supplies in emergencies," he said. "Regular humanitarian programs are also continuing."

The United Nations has 300 national and international staff working in Aden, Dujarric said.

More UN international staff are scheduled to arrive in Aden in the coming days, and rotation cycles will continue, the spokesman said. Humanitarian programs are not affected by the process.


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