Algeria declares former PM Tebboune winner of presidential election
الجمعة 13 ديسمبر-كانون الأول 2019 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (125)

Algeria's electoral body said on Friday that former prime minister Abdelmadjid Tebboune had won Thursday's presidential election with 58 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results.

The final voter turnout was 40 percent, the electoral body's head said in a televised news conference in Algiers.

Thousands of demonstrators were expected to take to the streets of Algeria on Friday to denounce a presidential election they reject as a charade to keep the ruling elite in power.

The authorities, including the powerful army, argue that the only way to move the country forward after demonstrators brought down Bouteflika in a popular uprising in April is to elect a successor.

But weekly protests that toppled Bouteflika have not stopped, with demonstrators demanding the entire ruling elite cede power to a new generation, despite no obvious leader emerging to represent them. The protesters refer to themselves simply as “Hirak,” or “the movement.”

All five candidates were former senior officials, including two ex-prime ministers, two former ministers and a former member of the ruling party’s central committee.

Protesters marched in cities and towns across Algeria throughout Thursday’s election, in some places clashing with police, who tried to disperse them with baton charges.

Late on Thursday, the election body said some 9 million Algerians took part in the election.

“The turnout is satisfying and it will give the new president enough backing to implement his reforms,” said Ahmed Mizab, a commentator on state television, saying it showed the decision to hold the elections was “propitious and right.”

But Riad Mekersi, 24, who has participated in all the Hirak protests since Feb. 22 in Algiers, said the movement will continue no matter who wins.

“We have toppled Bouteflika, and we will topple all the system’s men. We won’t give up,” he said.

Even without questions over his legitimacy, the next president faces difficult times.

Nearly all Algerian state revenues come from oil and gas exports, which have declined in both price and volume in recent years. The government has already approved a 2020 budget with a 9 percent cut in public spending, though politically sensitive subsidies remain untouched.


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