Riyadh Agreement aims to unify the Yemen’s structure: prime minister
الإثنين 29 يونيو-حزيران 2020 الساعة 02 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (211)

Yemen’s prime minister called on Sunday for a return to implementing the Riyadh Agreement as it is a “win-win for all.”

Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed said the goals of the deal reached last year between the government and southern separatists are aimed at “uniting all forces and efforts within the state structure” and defeating the Houthi militia, Yemen’s state news agency reported.

The agreement was signed last year after government forces and troops loyal to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) clashed last summer. While the agreement was widely hailed at the time, tensions have flared in recent months between the two forces, which are meant to be allies in the war against the Iran-backed Houthis.

Last week, the Arab Coalition said the STC and government had agreed a cease-fire and talks would take place again in Riyadh to make sure the Riyadh was fully adopted.

Speaking at a meeting of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s advisory body and the presidency of the House of Representatives, Saeed said he valued the role of Saudi Arabia its support for the Yemeni state and its people.

“The government worked ... to implement its obligations regarding the Riyadh Agreement and took serious action to ensure that the main and crucial battle compass against the Houthi coup was not diverted,” he said.

Sultan Al-Barakani, speaker of the Yemeni House of Representatives highlighted the importance of implementing the Riyadh Agreement and the consultations being held “at a high level to accomplish this under the auspices and supervision of Saudi Arabia.”


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