Houthi spokesman slams remarks of UK envoy, calls for end to war
الخميس 10 سبتمبر-أيلول 2020 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
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Houthis ‘spokesperson Mohammed Abdulsalam on Thursday slammed the latest remarks of the UK's ambassador to Yemen, calling for an immediate end to war and blockade on Yemen.

Abdulsalam said the British ambassador is giving orders and drawing policies for an independent country named the republic of Yemen.

Two days ago, ambassador Michael Aron said in a statement he and speaker of the Yemeni Parliament Sultan Al-Barakni agreed on the importance of implementing the Riyadh Agreement, ending the Houthi assault on Marib province and supporting the UN Yemen envoy's efforts. The statement has sparked the ire of the Houthis.

"The Yemeni people don't accept tutelage and flagrant interference in their affairs or taking orders regarding their own issues from any party," Abdulsalam tweeted.

According to the Houthis’ spokesperson, the United Nations is misleading the world about who is really refusing to end the aggression and blockade and to find a fair peaceful solution, he continued.

"The political solution starts with ending the war and a comprehensive cessation of hostilities without more threats of war".

"The world knows the aggression and blockade on Yemen were launched under a US-UK decision and US-UK instruments such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are just implementing this decision," Abdulsalam concluded.

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