US Navy seizes arms shipment in Arabian Sea amid Yemen war
الأحد 09 مايو 2021 الساعة 02 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (443)

 The U.S. Navy announced Sunday it seized an arms shipment hidden aboard a vessel in the Arabian Sea, the latest such interdiction by sailors amid the long-running war in Yemen.

The guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey discovered the weapons aboard what the Navy described as a stateless dhow, a traditional Mideast sailing ship, in an operation that began Thursday in the northern reaches of the Arabian Sea.

The weapons seized included Chinese-made, Kalashnikov-style assault rifles, sniper rifles, heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers.

The Navy did not identify where it believed the shipment originated.

However, the assortment of arms aboard the dhows mirrored other shipments interdicted by the U.S. and allied forces in the region that later were described to be heading to Yemen, where Iranian-backed Houthis have been battling a Saudi-led military coalition for control of the country since 2015.

Yemen is awash with small arms that have been smuggled into poorly controlled ports over years of conflict.


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