Yemen government approves new UN envoy
السبت 17 يوليو-تموز 2021 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (144)

FM blames Houthi militia for refusing to come to peace – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates

The Yemeni government approved the new UN envoy to Yemen, Swedish diplomat Hans Grundberg, to succeed Martin Griffiths, who spent three years without achieving a real breakthrough to the country’s crisis.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak told Asharq Al-Awsat that the legitimate Yemeni government informed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of its approval.

Bin Mubarak explained that the Sec-Gen would discuss the candidate with the Security Council's five permanent members and then issue a decision.

Grundberg had held a series of meetings over the past few days with several Yemeni officials and political figures from the legitimacy and the delegation of the Southern Transitional Council currently in Riyadh.

Regional and international efforts for peace in Yemen are met with the Houthis’ rejection of all proposed initiatives, the latest of which is the UN-backed Saudi initiative.

The initiative focuses on a comprehensive ceasefire in the country and opening Sanaa International Airport and Hodeida port to allow the delivery of oil derivatives to mitigate the effects of the worsening humanitarian crisis.

Weeks ago, a Omani royal delegation visited the capital, Sanaa, and met with coup leaders before returning to Muscat, without announcing any progress.

-Asharq Al-Awsat

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