Biden to host Iraqi PM at White House on July 26
السبت 17 يوليو-تموز 2021 الساعة 07 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (314)

US Prez To Host Iraqi PM At White House On July 26 In Bid To Strengthen Bilateral Ties

 WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden will welcome Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhemi to the White House this month, his office said Friday.

The July 26 meeting will “highlight the strategic partnership between the United States and Iraq,” the White House said in a statement.

Kadhemi and US envoy Brett McGurk discussed the withdrawal of troops from Iraq Thursday in Baghdad.

Some 3,500 foreign troops are still on Iraqi territory, including 2,500 Americans, who have been posted to help fight the Daesh group since 2014.

In Washington, Kadhemi is expected to push for a concrete timetable of American troop withdrawal. The implementation of their departure could take years.

Iraq, long an arena for bitter rivalry between the US and Iran despite their shared enmity toward IS, has seen growing numbers of rocket and drone attacks on American targets in recent months.

Kadhemi’s meeting with McGurk came a little more than a week after 14 rockets were fired at the Ain Assad air base, which hosts American troops in western Iraq, and three others which landed near the US embassy in Baghdad.

They were the latest in a spate of attacks targeting US military and diplomatic facilities in Iraq. The attacks have been blamed on pro-Iranian armed groups within a state-sponsored paramilitary force.

Last month, the US launched air strikes against pro-Iranian militias along the Iraq-Syria border.


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