Fighting, suicide bombing kill 48 in Yemen
السبت 25 فبراير-شباط 2017 الساعة 02 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (169)
A suicide bomber killed eight people at a Yemeni army base Friday as clashes between pro-government forces and the Houthis left 35 dead and five civilians died in shelling, security and local officials said.

The bomber blew up his vehicle at the entrance of Najda Camp in Abyan province's capital Zinjibar, 55 kilometers from second city Aden where the government is based.

The attacker failed to get through the gate and heavy exchanges of fire ensued as other assailants tried to penetrate it.

The explosives were concealed in the back of a pick-up truck under a pile of firewood, the sources said.

Al-Qaeda, which has taken advantage of nearly two years of fighting between loyalists and Houthis, claimed responsibility for the attack, the SITE Intelligence Group reported.

Further north, in the central province of Bayda, fierce clashes erupted Friday between pro-government tribes and Houthi Houthis, a local official said.

Twenty Houthis and six tribal fighters were killed in heavy fighting near Walad Rabi district, the source said, adding that the clashes flared when the Houthis tried to take control of a tribal territory.

Nine other Houthis died when tribal fighters ambushed their convoy in the Sawmaa region, another area of tension between Houthis and local tribes, the official said.

In Marib, east of Sanaa, five civilians were killed Friday in shelling blamed on Houthi fighters, local officials said.

-File photo

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