KSRelief delivers 778 tons of food, medical aid to Yemen
الأربعاء 21 يونيو-حزيران 2017 الساعة 12 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (222)

The King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid (KSRelief) has launched a land convoy carrying 778 tons of food, and medical and shelter supplies to Yemeni provinces.

Assistant General Supervisor for Financial and Administrative Affairs Salah bin Fahd Al-Mazrou said the convoy comes as an extension of the great care given by King Salman and his directives to stand with Yemenis and alleviate their suffering.

According to Al-Mazrou, the convoy consists of 550 tons of dates, 152 tons of sheltering items and 76 tons of medical supplies.

The convoy comes within a series of projects that KSRelief has provided for Yemeni citizens, which have so far reached 133 projects carried out in collaboration with 83 regional and global partners, he said.

He called on international organizations, the UN, and other humanitarian groups to bear their responsibility and stand against violations committed by Houthi militias in impeding and seizing relief aid, such as last week when they bombed three trucks operated by the Center.

In a related development, KSRelief distributed food baskets to displaced families at Khaniq Camp, in Sanaa province.

For his part, the undersecretary of Sanaa province, Abdulkahliq Al-Jundubi, appreciated the role played by the Center and its stand with Yemeni citizens under these hard conditions.

In Lebanon, meanwhile, KSRelief continued distribution of iftar meals to displaced Syrians in a number of camps located in different parts of the country.

-Arab News

-File photo

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