At least 75 people killed in Mogadishu explosion
الأحد 15 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2017 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (338)

At least 75 people are dead after a car bomb rocked the Somali capital of Mogadishu, medical officials said Sunday.

Medina Hospital medical official Abdikarim Yusuf told CNN that 75 people died.

But Mogadishu Police Capt. Farah Osman put the death toll at 80, and said an additional 200 people were injured in the attack, the first of two bombs in the capital Saturday.

The initial vehicle bomb destroyed dozens of stalls and a popular hotel in the heart of Mogadishu.

Qatar's Embassy along the same junction was also severely damaged, according to a statement from its Foreign Affairs. One member of the embassy staff suffered minor injuries, the statement said.

Minutes after the first blast, a second vehicle bomb went off nearby. No casualties have been reported from that second blast, according to police.

There have been no claims of responsibility.

Security forces had been tipped off about the vehicle carrying explosives and were pursuing it in the busy K5 district of the city when the explosion happened, said Col. Ahmed Hassan of the Mogadishu police.


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