UK-US-made bombs kill civilians in Yemen, Report says
الأربعاء 06 مارس - آذار 2019 الساعة 04 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (213)


British and American bombs have killed and maimed nearly 1,000 civilians, including over 120 children in Yemen, since the start of the war in 2015, a new report has revealed.

The 128-page investigation, issued by the US-based University Network for Human Rights (UNHR) and Yemeni monitoring group Mwatana, investigated 27 apparently unlawful airstrikes launched in Yemen by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition between April 2015 and April 2018.

According to the report, in every one of the sorties launched in Yemen, US or UK made weapons were probably used, killing at least 203 people and injuring nearly 750. Over 120 children and at least 56 women were among the dead and wounded.

The report said these 27 strikes were the only incidents which the researchers were able to obtain sufficient evidence given access in Yemen is heavily restricted. But Mwatana found that in 2018 alone there were 128 apparently unlawful airstrikes.

Saudi-led US-backed Arab Coalition has been fighting in Yemen for four years, attempting to restore the internationally recognized government that was ousted by the Houthi group in 2015. Houthis continue to tightly control a large of Yemen's territory particularly in the North.

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