2 airplanes collide at Dubai’s main airport; no injuries
الخميس 22 يوليو-تموز 2021 الساعة 10 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (228)

2 airplanes collide at Dubai’s main airport; no injuries

Two passenger jets from low-cost carrier FlyDubai and Bahrain-based Gulf Air collided with each other on the taxiway at Dubai International Airport early Thursday morning, though authorities reported no injuries in the incident.

FlyDubai said one of its Boeing 737-800s heading to Kyrgyzstan found itself affected by ”a minor incident” and forced to return to the stand. It said passengers took a later flight, which departed six hours later.

“FlyDubai will work with the authorities to investigate the incident,” the airline said, adding that the collision damaged a wingtip on one of the aircraft.

Gulf Air said one its aircraft “was impacted on the tail by an aircraft of another airline.” Gulf Air did not identify the aircraft involved, but said it was “working to reconnect all the passengers to their final destinations.” Gulf Air flies passengers from Dubai International Airport onto its hub at Bahrain International Airport in Manama.

Dubai International Airport, the world’s busiest airport for international travel before the coronavirus pandemic, said the collision forced them to shut down one of its two runways for two hours. It said operations were not affected by the closure.


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