Small incident in Yemen could have 'devastating consequences', says UN envoy
الأربعاء 05 أكتوبر-تشرين الأول 2022 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
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UN special envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg urged all sides to show restraint and allow talks to 'bear fruit'. Reuters

 The UN envoy to Yemen has urged the country's government and Iran-backed Houthis to revive efforts to agree a ceasefire deal and end the seven-year conflict there.

This plea follows failed efforts to extend a six-month truce that expired on Sunday.

“Any small incident could spark something that could have devastating consequences,” Hans Grundberg told Reuters in Amman on Tuesday.

“Luckily, we have not seen a military escalation, and this is so far so good.”

Mr Grundberg visited the Houthi-held capital Sanaa for talks last week, and left without making any comment.

On Saturday, the Houthis said they considered the ceasefire to be at “a dead end”.

“Over the past six months, we haven't seen any serious willingness to address humanitarian issues as a top priority,” Houthi officials said.

Mr Grundberg said on Sunday he would continue pushing for an extended and expanded deal between the government and the Houthis.

An initial two-month truce agreed in April was renewed twice, despite grievances by both sides over its implementation.

“So, I would urge all sides to exercise restraint and allow discussions that we have ongoing to bear fruit and … move Yemen out of the violence we have seen for the last seven years,” Mr Grundberg said.

He said the opposing sides failed to renew the truce because they were still far apart on the latest UN-brokered proposals to pay civil servants' wages, increase fuel shipments, add more air flights, open roads and speed military de-escalation.


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