First shipment of Saudi oil grant arrives at Aden port
السبت 08 مايو 2021 الساعة 11 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
عدد القراءات (271)

 The first shipment of the oil derivatives grant provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia arrived at the port of Aden today, in coordination and cooperation with the Yemeni government and local authorities, reported the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). This shipment of oil will be used to operate more than 80 Yemeni stations at a value of USD422 million.

The total amount of the shipment stands at 909,591 metric tons of diesel and 351,304 metric tons of mazut, in support of achieving economic and living stability for the Yemeni people, according to SPA.

The arrival of the shipment in Aden Port was received by Yemeni Minister of Electricity and Energy Dr. Anwar Kalashat; Governor of Aden Ahmed Hamed Lamas; Commander of the Duty Force Brigadier General Nayef Al-Otaibi; Yemeni Deputy Minister of Oil Dr. Saeed Al-Shamasi; Yemeni Deputy Minister of Planning Nizar Bashaib, and Director of the Petroleum Derivatives Project in the SDRPY Salman Al-Hazimi.

In a statement, Yemeni Minister of Electricity Dr. Anwar Kalashat said that “This shipment will have an important role for the Yemeni people and will give the Yemeni government a great opportunity to work towards developing future solutions to the electricity crisis. We hope that we see the desired goals of this grant with the cooperation of all parties to end the electricity crisis in order to lead to the recovery of the sector and the development of reforms that improve the status of the electrical system.”

Yemen has been witnessing a shortage of fuel, adding to people’s suffering amidst an ongoing civil war and tough humanitarian situation.

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